You've got a lot of Gal

Yet another blog about Ruby, Rails, Javascript, Apple, Malteses and Shih-Tzus by Gal Steinitz

This site is completely static. It was last generated with Octopress and Jekyll on Sep 02, 2013 and hosted on github pages.

SQL Quiz

I enjoyed this interactive javascript quiz from, and thought it would be fun to create an interactive SQL quiz.


You can head on over directly to my SQL quiz or preview the questions here.


Given the following two tables: [sourcecode language=”text”] select * from a; select * from b; +——+——-+ +——+——-+——+ | id | label | | id | label | a_id | +——+——-+ +——+——-+——+ | 1 | Alpha | | 1 | I | 1 | | 2 | Beta | | 2 | II | 1 | | 3 | Gamma | | 3 | III | 2 | +——+——-+ +——+——-+——+ [/sourcecode] What would be the result of each of the following SQL statements….. (continued) Head over to the interactive SQL quiz to match the queries with the results.