You've got a lot of Gal

Yet another blog about Ruby, Rails, Javascript, Apple, Malteses and Shih-Tzus by Gal Steinitz

This site is completely static. It was last generated with Octopress and Jekyll on Sep 02, 2013 and hosted on github pages.

iPhone 5 - How Close Was I?

Follw up to last week’s post: Summary of Apple Rumors and Predictions Which I Believe to Be True

How close was I?

I was pretty close, the only thing I got wrong (and frankly surprised me!) was the device size. I thought the physical device will be the same size as the 4S, just with a larger screen. Instead, the iPhone 5 is 4.87” tall, compared to 4.5” for the 4S. So roughly 8% taller.

The width is identical - 2.31”.

The depth, amazingly, is thinner - the new iPhone is 0.30”, compared to the 4S which was 0.37”. 18% thinner. It’s also lighter at 3.95oz, vs 4.9oz..which comes out to 19% lighter.

To quote Tim Cook…That is truly amazing.

Watch the entire Apple Event announcing the iPhone 5 and the slew of other new products and services announced yesterday, including the new Apple Maps, a new iPod Nano, and some pretty impressive stats as to how Apple is doing. Also check out my boss Al Gore sitting in the audience in the front row. He’ll be hard to miss - they pan to him every single time they showed the audience (I guess the camera man was impressed).

Finally…is Steve Job’s presence still felt during these presentations? Without a doubt. Even though each apple exec’s style is his own - Job’s presentation style is an unspoken presence in every Apple Event.
